The series is comprised of enlarged museum post card legends (captions) and include "works" by Rembrandt, Munch, Giotto, Morandi, Vermeer and other masters.
These works stem from an ongoing interest in "word as image," and the texts in various languages intimate a range of meanings (images) to differing language speakers. The "names" of these paintings, translated by someone, presumably in a large museum or indeed, in a post card (printing) facility, are rife with typographical errors, and grammatical mistakes. The translations themselves are quite a bit off, due, one can assume, to the "unofficial" nature of the translations and the business approach to pumping out product...for museum goers.

This series is permanently installed in the Boca Raton Museum of Fine Art, Boca Raton, Florida.
Click on the essay (right) by Chris Mooney to enlarge and read.
There are several sets still available. (There is one framed set in Paris; the others are unframed). Price: 3500 euros (7 prints) unframed.
Contact me if you are interested in purchasing a set.